IMPRES RSM large 3.5 jack NC

Sr. Account Manager
Steven Thomas
Clearer Rx & Tx
The PMMN4071 remote speaker mic is designed for the best possible performance in challenging environments. The "IMPRES" enhanced audio feature automatically optimizes audio when receiving transmissions and the noise cancelling technology reduces background noise when transmitting.

Sr. Account Manager
Great Audio Accessory for Loud Environments
The PMMN4071 speaker microphone offers great noise cancelling capability that users in loud environments will appreciate, especially manufacturing. I had a customer using a basic digital radio in a water bottling plant. The coverage was improved in digital compared to their old analog radios but some areas in the facility were loud and making radio communications in some areas an issue. They began using the XPR3000 series radios with the PMMN4071 speaker mics and heard an immediate difference. In their words: "The radios and mics worked great. Much clearer than our last digital radios." There are other quality speaker mics for the XPR3000 Series radios but if you work in a louder environment and prefer your co-workers stop asking you to repeat yourself throughout the day, this is the best microphone for you.