Earpiece Inline Microphone/PTT, Swivel, MagOne

Sr. Account Manager
Don't like an in-ear style piece? No worries...
Maybe you've been in the situation where you needed to quickly go on shift, but needed to use an earpiece that's not your own because you left yours someplace else. Do you really want to borrow the in-ear style earpiece with the acoustic tube that was last used by the guy at work with noticeably waxy and hairy ears? My guess is no. That is why, if you use the XPR3000 series radios, can use the outer-ear style PMLN5727 earpiece with in line push to talk button. It also swivels to allow you to use them in either the left or right ear. These are easy to clean as well so if you start using these earpieces in the future and have to borrow Mr. Ear Wax's PMLN5727 earpiece, no need to internally shudder when he hands it over.